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Bicycle Vs Kick Scooter

Differences between Bicycle and Kick Scooter

We know cycling gives more health benefits where it has fixed leg action. It is a great tool for injury rehabilitation. Issues comes from the bicycle’s small fixed range of movement, which always stays the same regardless of your body height or whether you are riding slow or fast. There are other issues which can be from your upper and lower body in a semi fixed position
on July 10, 2021

7 Tips for your first cycling to work

I am sure you will admire a cyclist who rides to office. It would be cool to ride a cycle to the office rite?

In-spite of various reasons to do cycling, there should be some good time to start. Why not to start now? Even if you commute only a limited time, it's better than none at all.

To help you get riding your first cycling to work, here are 7 tips to get started.
on October 26, 2020
Tesalt Kickscooter Health Benefits

5 Health Benefits of Big Wheel Tesalt Kick scooter

Big Wheel Kicjscooting is mainly an aerobic activity, which means that your heart, blood vessels and lungs all get a workout. You will breathe deeper, give out sweat through the pores of the skin as a result of heat, physical exertion, or stress. and experience increased body temperature, which will improve your overall fitness level.
on September 22, 2020

How Bicycle or Tesalt Kickscooter be the big winner after lockdown is lifted

BICYLE OR E-SCOOTER BE THE BIG WINNER AFTER LOCKDOWN IS LIFTED .How India is turning to bicycles or electric big wheel tesalt kickscooter in an effort to avoid crowded public transport during the Covid-19 pandemic.
on August 30, 2020

7 Benefits of early morning cycling and kickscooting

Know the benefits of early morning cycling and kickscooting and the best way to get fit through bicycle or kickscooter. When it’s cold and dark outside, it’s very difficult to get out of bed and out for a ride.Prepare in advance, setup your alarm and that way, you can basically roll out of bed and straight onto the saddle
on August 08, 2020

6 Factors to know about Kickscooters

Adult Version of Kids kickscooter also known as Kickcycle. Now becoming popular in India as it is used in residential communities, educational institutions,perfect for Fitness & last mile connectivity Easy safe and fun riding.Perfect cross-training tool for any walker runner cyclist fantastic low impact and cardio workout
on July 23, 2020